How Comprehensive Telehealth Services Can Reduce Absenteeism in the Workplace

A healthy corporate office team of employees.

Imagine a workplace where employees are healthier, happier, and more productive, with fewer sick days and higher engagement. This is the reality made possible by corporate wellness programs. With hubPass for Business, companies have a powerful tool to revolutionise employee health and well-being. Discover how company wellness programs can significantly reduce absenteeism and create a thriving, productive workforce.

The Impact of Employee Absenteeism

Absenteeism, defined as frequent or prolonged absence from work, can stem from various causes, including illness, chronic health conditions, stress, and family responsibilities. The consequences for businesses are substantial, including:

  • Decreased Productivity: Tasks are delayed, and remaining employees may become overburdened, leading to lost productivity.
  • Increased Costs: Employers face direct costs such as sick pay and indirect costs like hiring temporary replacements or overtime pay for existing staff.
  • Lower Morale: Regular absenteeism can strain team dynamics, reducing morale and increasing turnover rates.


“According to the 2023 DHS Absence Management and Wellbeing report, absenteeism has seen a significant increase, with the average days lost per employee per annum rising from 11.2 days in 2019 to 13.8 days in 2022, a 23% increase. This trend is particularly pronounced in industries such as travel, tourism, and hospitality, which reported an absenteeism rate of 7%. Additionally, 80% of employers have noted increased absenteeism during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The Role of Company Wellness Programs

Online doctor via laptop.

One effective solution to combat absenteeism and improve employee satisfaction is the implementation of corporate health and wellness programs like hubPass. These services enable employees to access healthcare services online – a convenient alternative to addressing health issues promptly and effectively. 

Here are some telehealth benefits associated with corporate wellness programs, like hubPass:

Immediate Access to Medical Care

Telehealth provides employees with immediate access to healthcare professionals without the need to leave their homes or workplaces. This means that minor health issues can be addressed quickly, preventing them from escalating into more serious conditions that could result in extended sick leave.

Example: Immediate Care for Common Ailments

Consider a scenario where an employee experiences flu-like symptoms. Through hubPass for Business, they can consult with a doctor within minutes via telehealth, receive a diagnosis, and get prescribed medication, all without leaving their home. This quick intervention can prevent the illness from worsening and spreading, leading to fewer sick days and a healthier workplace overall.

Chronic Disease Management

Employees with chronic conditions can benefit greatly from telehealth services. Regular virtual check-ins with healthcare providers ensure that their conditions are managed effectively, reducing the likelihood of complications that could lead to time off work.

Example: Ongoing Management of Chronic Conditions

Employees with chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension can benefit greatly from hubPass for Business. Regular virtual check-ups and easy access to medical advice help manage these conditions effectively, preventing complications and reducing the need for extended sick leave.

Preventive Care and Health Screenings

HubPass corporate employee wellness program includes preventive care and health screenings, helping employees detect and address potential health issues before they become serious. Early intervention can lead to better health outcomes and reduced employee absenteeism.

Example: Annual Health Checks

Through the hubPass for Business program, employees have access to annual health checks via telehealth consultations. By identifying potential health issues early, employees can receive timely interventions and management plans. This proactive approach helps maintain overall employee health, reduces the risk of serious health problems, and minimises absenteeism, ultimately enhancing workplace productivity.

Flexible Scheduling

Telehealth appointments can be scheduled outside of traditional work hours, making it easier for employees to seek care without missing work. This flexibility helps maintain productivity while ensuring employees receive the care they need.

Example: Prescriptions Online

If an employee needs a prescription for a minor condition, they can obtain one through a telehealth consultation with hubPass for Business. This eliminates the need for an in-person visit to the doctor’s office, allowing the employee to receive their prescription promptly and conveniently without skipping work. As a result, there’s less time away from work and a quicker return to productivity.

Prescriptions online.

Supporting Your Workforce Nationwide

HubPass for Business bridges the gap for employees in remote locations, ensuring they have the same access to quality healthcare as those in urban areas. This nationwide coverage is particularly beneficial for industries like mining and hospitality, where employees often work in isolated environments.

Example: Healthcare Access in Remote Areas

A mining company with sites in remote regions can utilise hubPass for Business to provide their workers with essential medical services. This addresses health concerns promptly but also demonstrates the company’s commitment to employee well-being, enhancing job satisfaction and retention.

Seamless Integration with Existing Programs

By integrating hubPass for Business with existing Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), companies can offer a holistic approach to employee well-being and mental health management. This integration ensures that employees receive comprehensive care, addressing both physical and mental health concerns.

Example: Combined Health and Mental Health Support

An organisation can combine hubPass for Business with its mental health resources and programs to provide employees with a one-stop solution for all their health needs. This comprehensive support system helps employees manage stress, physical ailments, and mental health issues more effectively, reducing overall absenteeism.

Priority Access and Exclusive Employee Benefits Packages

Providing employees with priority access to primary care healthcare services ensures that they receive timely medical attention. This not only keeps them healthy but also shows that the company values their well-being, fostering loyalty and engagement.

Example: Employee Incentives for Health Engagement

Companies can offer incentives such as exclusive discounts on health services through hubPass for Business to encourage employees to actively engage with their health. This proactive approach helps prevent illnesses and reduces the frequency of sick days.

Real-Time Health Insights

Using real-time health data allows companies to monitor and address health trends within their workforce. This proactive management can identify potential health risks early and implement preventive measures, further reducing absenteeism.

Example: Data-Driven Health Initiatives

By analysing health metrics, a company can identify common health issues among employees and launch targeted wellness programs. For instance, if data shows a high incidence of stress-related illnesses, the company can introduce stress management workshops to mitigate this issue.

Two happy, healthy, female employees.

A Healthier, Happier Workforce

If one things is clear, it’s that investing in employee health through comprehensive telehealth services leads to a healthier, happier workforce. This not only improves individual well-being but also enhances overall business performance through reduced absenteeism and increased productivity. 

Telehealth services through hubPass for Business are a game-changer for companies looking to improve employee health and workplace performance, and reduce employee absenteeism. By providing easy and convenient access to comprehensive healthcare and telemedicine benefits, businesses can ensure their workforce remains healthy, productive, and engaged.

Enquire about hubPass for Business today and discover how we can support your workplace with innovative telehealth solutions. 


  1. Direct Health Solutions (DHS). Absence management and wellbeing survey. 12th ed. June 2023. Prepared by Direct Health Solutions, a Sedgwick business. Available from:

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog. Reliance on any information provided in this blog is solely at your own risk. The health and medical information on this site is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied.

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